The latest WhatsApp Beta (v2.24.7.27) reveals that a preview feature for pinned messages is coming. Developers are adding this feature to enhance the preview of pinned...
Google Chat is testing a new Announcements feature. This shows Google’s continuous efforts to evolve the Chat application on Android. X user AssembleDebug spotted that the...
Google Pixel phones seem to be getting a renovated volume panel with Android 15. The company is apparently testing a major redesign which might take over...
Recently, Google talked about how its 7-year Pixel update promise will work. The company revealed that the 7-year Pixel update promise was made achievable through partner...
Google Password Manager getting support for password import using a CSV file. With the March 2024 Play System Update, Google is updating Android’s Password Manager with...
WhatsApp officially launched the refreshed navigation bar on Android. The revamped user interface is now available widely for WhatsApp users internationally, bringing the most crucial toggles...
Google is making it easier to access and sort shared files within a space in Google Chat. The application is getting an update; the Files tab...
Google starts updating Gemini to initiate Maps navigation itself on command. The company replaced Google Assistant with Gemini on Android, and finishing touches across functions are...
March 2024 Google Play System Update rolling out to Pixel smartphones. Several Pixel and Galaxy smartphone users confirmed that Google rolled out the latest Play System...
Google is working to expand Gemini AI to Android tablets. In a Google app’s teardown by 9to5Google, code strings revealed the company’s plans to bring Gemini...