
Google Pixel scored 3% sales in North America in Q4 2023: Counterpoint Research



Google successfully sold 10 million Pixel phones worldwide in 2023. The company aims to surpass the 10 million sales mark this time as well, while a new report says Google Pixel seized a 3% market share in North America in Q4 2023.

According to a recent report from Counterpoint Research, Pixel phones secured 3% of the market share for Google in North America in Q4 2023. It shows how the search engine giant is gradually expanding its presence in the United States and Canada.

Apple dominated the market during the same period, grabbing 23% of all shipments around the world. Samsung, on the other hand, managed to occupy 16% of the total sales, which is 9% less than the same period of last year. Xiaomi took third place at 13%, with Vivo and Oppo at 7%.

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