
YouTube’s AI Chatbot: A new tool to recover hacked channels



Key Points:

  1. YouTube introduces an AI chatbot to help creators recover hacked accounts.
  2. The tool currently supports English and is available to select users.
  3. The chatbot guides users through securing their accounts, but it doesn’t fully address the need for better direct support.

YouTube has launched a new AI-powered assistant designed to help creators regain control of their hacked channels. This tool is accessible through the YouTube Help Center and acts as a “troubleshooting” guide. It asks creators a series of questions to help them secure their Google accounts and undo any unauthorized changes made to their YouTube channels.

At present, this support feature is only available in English and is limited to a select group of creators. However, Google has plans to expand its availability to all YouTube users over time.

Our experience with the tool shows that it functions like a standard support chatbot, without any significant issues or AI-related errors. Some protective measures are in place to ensure its proper use. However, the tool doesn’t entirely solve a common problem: YouTube’s support system often feels out of reach for many creators. Typically, only the largest creators can directly connect with YouTube representatives, leaving smaller channels to rely on help pages or automated responses.

While this AI chatbot is a step towards better support, it may not satisfy creators who are hoping for more direct communication, especially when dealing with serious issues like account hacking. This has been a recurring problem, even for well-known creators, and smaller channels often face long delays before their issues are resolved.


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