
Android Auto voice commands for calls still broken with no fix in sight



Key Points:

  1. Voice Command Bug: Android Auto’s voice commands for calls and texts have been broken for weeks, affecting many users.
  2. No Resolution Yet: Despite acknowledging the problem, Google has yet to provide a solution or update.
  3. Widespread Impact: The issue has become increasingly common, frustrating users with failed attempts to make calls or send texts via voice commands.

Google’s Android Auto platform is widely appreciated for its convenience, especially for drivers who rely on voice commands to make calls and send texts safely. However, a recent bug has made these features almost unusable, leaving many users frustrated.

For several weeks now, Android Auto has been experiencing a significant issue where Google Assistant fails to execute voice commands related to calls and texts. Instead of completing the requested tasks, the Assistant repeatedly asks users to restate their commands, ultimately failing to act.

Initially, this problem seemed isolated, but it has since spread to a broader user base, with more reports surfacing daily. Many Android Auto users have taken to Google’s support forums to express their concerns, highlighting that the issue persists despite several attempts to resolve it.

Even when Android Auto provides an on-screen button to manually select a contact, users have reported that this option often fails as well. This ongoing problem has made it difficult for users to safely communicate while driving, which is one of the platform’s primary purposes.

Adding to the frustration, Google has not yet provided a fix. Although a member of the Android Auto team acknowledged the issue in early August, there has been no subsequent update or resolution from the company. The latest version of Android Auto (v12.7) has been released in beta, but it appears that the voice command issue remains unaddressed.

As users continue to experience these challenges, the lack of communication and a clear timeline for a fix from Google is becoming increasingly concerning. For now, those affected are left waiting for a solution, hoping that Google will soon resolve this critical problem.


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