
Gemini Nano with multimodality enhances Pixel Recorder and could soon power Android Auto



Top 3 Key Points:

  1. Enhanced Pixel Recorder: The Pixel Recorder now uses Gemini Nano with Multimodality, doubling its capacity and improving audio, text, and image integration.
  2. Improved User Experience: The upgraded model boosts app engagement by providing better summaries and extended transcript capabilities.
  3. Potential in Android Auto: Signs point to Gemini Nano’s integration into Android Auto, promising an AI-driven, enhanced user experience.

Google’s Pixel Recorder app has recently undergone significant upgrades, particularly on the Pixel 9 series, thanks to the integration of Gemini Nano with Multimodality. This advanced model not only handles text but also seamlessly processes audio and image inputs. According to Google, this version is nearly twice as large as its predecessor, making it more capable, accurate, and scalable. As a result, developers can achieve high-quality outputs without extensive fine-tuning, enabling more innovative applications.

The introduction of Gemini Nano’s AI-driven summaries last year led to a noticeable increase in app engagement and user retention. Users have embraced the new summarization feature, using it multiple times a day, which in turn has boosted the number of saved recordings by 24%.

Although Google hasn’t fully detailed the capabilities of the new multimodal version, they did hint that it’s three times more sophisticated than the original version on the Pixel 8 Pro. This advancement allows the Recorder app to summarize longer transcripts and assess grammar quality more effectively.

Developers behind the Recorder app have built upon their existing work with Gemini Nano to incorporate multimodality, streamlining the integration process. While this required additional fine-tuning, the transition was smoother thanks to the existing dataset.

In addition to these improvements, Google is also exploring new ways to integrate Gemini AI across its apps and services. For instance, there’s evidence that Gemini Nano could soon be part of Android Auto. In the latest version of Android Auto, several clues point toward this integration, including a new sparkle icon associated with AI features and references to a “GeminiLiveAssistantAction” function within the app’s code.

If Gemini Live becomes part of Android Auto, it could offer a significant upgrade to the in-car experience. Currently, Gemini Live is available only to subscribers of Google One’s AI Premium plan, but it doesn’t require special hardware, suggesting that it could be accessible to all Android Auto users on the correct plan. While it’s still early in development, this integration has the potential to bring AI-driven enhancements to Android Auto, offering users a more intelligent and interactive driving experience.

Overall, the expansion of Gemini Nano into new areas like Android Auto signifies Google’s commitment to integrating advanced AI across its ecosystem, potentially reshaping how users interact with their devices shortly.


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