
Upcoming Android Auto Features: Gemini Live support and enhanced local media controls



Top 3 Key Points:

  1. Enhanced Radio Controls: Android Auto is set to offer direct control over your car’s radio, including adding and removing favorite stations.
  2. Local Media Integration: New features are being developed to support “Car Local Media,” enabling better media management within Android Auto.
  3. Gemini Live Support: Google is preparing to integrate Gemini Live, a conversational AI, into Android Auto for improved voice interaction.

Google is actively developing new features for Android Auto that will enhance how you interact with your car’s media systems. The latest updates suggest that Android Auto will soon allow users to directly control their car’s radio, including the ability to add or remove favorite stations. This feature is still in progress, with hints first appearing in the Android Auto 12.7 update and further refinements in the 12.8 beta version.

In addition to radio controls, Google is working on integrating “Car Local Media” within Android Auto. This feature will allow users to manage media stored locally in their vehicle, providing more seamless media playback options. The new updates also include icons for both radio and local media playback, though these features have not yet been activated.

Moreover, Google seems to be preparing to bring Gemini Live support to Android Auto. Gemini Live, a conversational AI that debuted with the Pixel 9 series, is designed to enhance voice interactions. While references to Gemini Live have been found in the code, including the ability to “start a conversation,” this feature is also not yet live.

These enhancements are likely part of Google’s ongoing efforts to improve Android Auto, especially given the current issues with Google Assistant on the platform. Although there’s no official release date for these features, the development of Gemini Live integration suggests that a significant upgrade could be on the horizon.


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