
Why Circle to Search is missing on your work phone and what’s behind it



Top 3 Key Points:

  1. Circle to Search allows fast Google searches using screenshots.
  2. IT admins can now disable the feature due to security concerns.
  3. Blocking Circle to Search is possible with Android 15 updates.

Circle to Search: What Happened to the Feature on Your Work Phone?

Circle to Search is a highly useful feature on Android, making it easier for users to search the web. By simply holding down the home button or navigation bar and circling or tapping the desired section of the screen, you can quickly Google search text or images. This feature, however, may no longer be available on some Android work phones due to security concerns raised by IT administrators.

How Circle to Search Works Introduced earlier this year during the Samsung Galaxy S24 launch, Circle to Search is currently only available on selected Google and Samsung devices. It works through Android’s Assist API, which captures a screenshot of the active screen and allows users to interact with the text and images. By selecting any part of the screen, users can copy, share, or perform a Google search on the highlighted content.

Why IT Admins Are Concerned Circle to Search’s functionality relies on taking screenshots, which might include sensitive information like login credentials or personal data. For businesses, this can present a risk. IT administrators are wary of potential data breaches or unintentional leaks if employees use this feature inappropriately. Google has responded by allowing IT admins to disable Circle to Search on work phones.

How IT Admins Disable Circle to Search Google’s recent update to the Android Management API gives IT departments more control over work phones. This update introduces an AssistContentPolicy, which controls whether an app, such as Google Assistant, can receive screenshots and app information. By adjusting this policy, IT admins can block the Circle to Search feature entirely on devices running Android 15 or higher.

Why Circle to Search Might Disappear on Your Phone If your work phone is updated to Android 15 and you notice that Circle to Search is no longer functioning, it’s likely because your company’s IT department has disabled the feature for security reasons. With Android 15 updates rolling out soon, more phones may have this restriction applied.

This security measure is mainly aimed at protecting company data from accidental exposure, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.


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